Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to "compete" at the a leading state level pageant without making the commitment to actually run for the title. As an exhibitor, you will get the full experience and compete right alongside the Miss Rodeo Colorado Preliminary Contestants and receive feedback from state level judges. Open to exhibitors age 14 - 26, from any state. An entry fee of $100.00 must be paid to secure your registration. Please download the Exhibition Application here and refer to the Miss Rodeo Colorado Rule Book for more details. The Exhibition Pageant is planned for April 20, 2024.
Exhibition applications will be accepted from March 16- April 1, 2024. The number of exhibitor contestants that we will accept will be announced on March 16th and applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis, based on a completed payment and receipt of your application. You will be able to pay your contestant fees here through PayPal, no need to mail a check. Also, all applications, headshots, and bios should be sent electronically to [email protected]. You are not required to send a hard copy of any of these materials.